RYCOTE classic-softie, 29cm 24/25mm

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Rycote classic-softie front only, 29cm, 24/25mm large hole
€ 112.51 Our Price € 92.98 Our Price

Slip-on for and open cell foam windshield suitable for cylindrical microphones with acoustical entrance area no longer than 29cm from the front of the mic and a diameter of 24 to 25mm

The Softie windshield provides a quick, simple, robust and cost effective windshield for the tough environment of modern day ENG and location recording. The Softie windshield is a slip-on open-cell foam, with integral fur cover. The Softie will reduce up to 25 dB of wind-noise reduction without any adverse effect on High-Frequency. In addition the foam is not susceptible to UV or moisture damage, giving this product great longevity.