Sound Devices SL-6
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Sound Devices SL-6 powering and wireless super slot system
€ 14.52 Our Price € 12.00 Our Price
- The SL-6 powering and wireless system simplifies interconnection between the 688 & Scorpio recorders and multiple channels of wireless by accepting three dual-channel slot-compatible receivers. Using the SuperSlot interconnection standard, the SL-6 offers all powering, audio interconnection, and control needed for SuperSlot-compatible receivers.
- It offers built-in NP1 battery powering for the recorder and slot-in receivers, plus four additional DC outputs for external peripherals. The SL-6 also offers built-in antenna distribution.
- The SL-6 attaches directly to the 688, to attach it to the Scorpio the SL-RISER accessory is needed.