Sound Devices SL-2
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Sound Devices SL-2 dual SuperSlot wireless module for 8-series
€ 20.57 Our Price € 17.00 Our Price
- compatible with the 833, 888 and the Scorpio
- accepts two UniSlot or SuperSlot wireless receivers from Audio Ltd, Lectrosonics, Sennheiser and Wisycom
- built-in antenna distribution with antenna powering for active antennas or boosters
- supports remote control of third party smart antennas
- two auxiliary MCX antenna ports for connecting other receivers or RF distribution
- two TA3 AES3 inputs for an additional 4 channels of digital audio
- two DC Outputs via Hirose 4-pin connectors, each supplying up to 500 mA
- powers via an 8-Series mixer-recorder
- accepts either analog or digital audio from slot-in receivers
- ability to set and monitor multiple functions of a SuperSlot-compatible receiver from the 8-Series mixer-recorder
- RF scan with visual representation of the RF spectrum
- monitor transmitter battery, receiver audio and RF levels
- rugged, lightweight, and compact design
- mounts to the top of any 8-Series mixer-recorder
- same width as the 833